Relaxation – what we can learn from the caveman

An extract from the book ‘Stress proof your business and your life’ written for the clients of Keen Dicey Grover by Steve Pipe and Elisabeth Wilson “There’s nothing wrong with stress. We are designed to get stressed. It’s how we deal with it that’s the problem. Coping with stress should be simple. My central message [...]

By | December 19th, 2018|Uncategorised|2 Comments

The Autumn Budget Report 2018 – Key Measures That Relate to Business Owners

On Monday 29 October 2018, The Chancellor Philip Hammond presented the second Autumn Budget. His key message was that ‘austerity is coming to an end – but discipline will remain. He also stated that there may be a full-scale Spring Budget in 2019 in the event of a ‘no deal’ Brexit. Here is a summary [...]

By | December 3rd, 2018|Accounting|2 Comments