Is it worth using a payroll managed service?

Many business owners face the challenge of having to work very long hours to ensure the stability and growth of their business. The average of the UK working week is 37 hours, yet recent statistics show that small business owners work an average of 52 hours a week. There are many theories around working more [...]

By | January 25th, 2017|Accounting|11 Comments

Autumn Statement 2016: Key Policy information for small businesses

Autumn Statement On 23rd November 2016 The Chancellor of the Exchequer, Philip Hammond delivered his plans to keep "Britain open for business". Whilst his announcement that the government will be scrapping the Autumn Statement with the introduction of a Spring Statement from 2018 generated some surprise, the list of policies outlined were less of a [...]

By | December 21st, 2016|Accounting|5 Comments

Which bookkeeping software is the best for your business?

The market has been flooded with different bookkeeping / accounting software options and some business owners may be struggling with the overwhelming amount of information regarding which one they should be using for their business. Choosing the right bookkeeping / accounting software is a key decision for every business owner. The software package needs to [...]

By | November 24th, 2016|Uncategorised|11 Comments

How much extra value does proper bookkeeping bring?

The prospect of bookkeeping does not fill many business owners with joy in fact it is often regarded as a painful and tedious task. The harsh truth is that there is a very high percentage of small businesses that fail within the first five years and the largest cause of failure is financial mismanagement; not [...]

By | September 1st, 2016|Accounting|6 Comments

Budgeting & forecasting – beneficial or just a financial headache?

For some small business owners the necessity for budgeting and forecasting is limited to a top level cash flow summary of how much money is available within the present or next month to spend on the businesses requirements. The exercise of budgeting and forecasting can sometimes be seen as tedious and time consuming as well [...]

By | September 1st, 2016|Accounting|7 Comments

Are you making the best use of your time and of the resources within your business?

As a business owner you will recognise the benefit of your business growth but you will also be aware of the extra workload that this sometimes brings to back office operations. This may be the time to think about outsourcing. Making a decision on outsourcing the functions which are taking on higher volumes of work [...]

By | September 1st, 2016|Accounting|5 Comments

Are you using the right Tax Calculator?

The idea of using a tax calculator is a seemingly simple solution to the headache of tax planning and cash flow forecasting.  However there are a myriad of different taxes to consider when trying to understand the total impact of tax on your particular circumstances. When searching for tax calculator on the internet the amount [...]

By | September 1st, 2016|Accounting|6 Comments

2016 Budget information that small business owners should know

On the 16th March 2016, the Chancellor of the Exchequer, George Osborne unveiled his 8th budget which he referred to as “a budget that backs businesses”. Within this budget there are some crucial business policies that all small business owners should be aware of. A raft of measures to help enterprises including a reform of [...]

By | September 1st, 2016|Accounting|14 Comments

Are You Fully Informed On the New Dividend Tax Laws?

The new tax on share dividends was announced last year by George Osborne. This has caused confusion for some whilst others have not yet addressed the changes. Either way, tax bills next year will be very different to the structure we have been used to in recent times. The changes will potentially affect all shareholders [...]

By | September 1st, 2016|Accounting|7 Comments

Are you expecting the best

December is a time for reflection and business owners often spend a little time and/or thought at this time of year on how the last 12 months has progressed. What went well, what could have been better and how could they have improved on the results achieved. Taking a good look at the support services [...]

By | September 1st, 2016|Accounting|8 Comments